Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Ohio long distance commuters among the unhealthiest in America: study

By Tim Reckmann from Hamm, Deutschland - Hamburger, CC BY 2.0,

  • 2-in-3 admit they choose their routes based on the availability of fast food drive-thru options.
  • Respondents reported consuming an average of 420 calories during a single commute.
  • Infographic showing America's unhealthiest drivers.  

Long car commutes have long been linked to negative health outcomes, contributing to a sedentary lifestyle that can lead to serious issues such as weight gain, cardiovascular problems, and other chronic conditions. Prolonged sitting in traffic not only increases the risk of developing obesity, hypertension, and diabetes but also exacerbates stress, reduces physical activity, and disrupts sleep, compounding these health concerns.

In a recent study by Potamkin Hyundai, publicly available health data was combined with a survey of 3,000 drivers to reveal the profile of "America’s Unhealthiest Drivers." The results are eye-opening: Maryland and Arkansas top the list, with a staggering 92% of drivers in these states admitting to snacking on junk food during their long commutes. This equates to approximately 4 million unhealthy drivers across both states!

Ohio long distance drivers also emerged among the unhealthiest in the nation. Here, 80% regularly consume junk food when commuting, equating to a whopping 4,481,723 drivers. In fact, Ohioans are the 17th unhealthiest drivers in America.

Top 5 States with the Unhealthiest Drivers:

=1. Maryland: 92% snack on junk food (2,862,536 drivers)

=1. Arkansas: 92% snack on junk food (1,203,770 drivers)

3. Mississippi: 91% snack on junk food (1,120,751 drivers)

4.  Louisiana: 88% snack on junk food (1,745,860 drivers)

5. Georgia: 84% snack on junk food (4,202,606 drivers)

On the flip side, the survey also highlighted the states with the healthiest drivers, where snacking on junk food is less common.

Top 5 States with the Healthiest Drivers:

1. New Hampshire: 43% snack on junk food (311,248 drivers)

2. Utah: 56% snack on junk food (898,445 drivers)

=3. Connecticut: 60% snack on junk food (1,075,072 drivers)

=3. Nebraska: 60% snack on junk food (602,782 drivers)

5. Washington: 63% snack on junk food (2,351,189 drivers)

Infographic showing America's unhealthiest drivers

Potamkin Hyundai’s study didn’t just stop at snacking habits; it delved deeper into the unhealthy behaviors of drivers, uncovering some startling insights. For instance, a remarkable 68% of drivers admitted that they choose their commute routes based on the availability of fast food drive-thru options. Additionally, 44% reported experiencing a ‘food mishap’ while driving that either caused a distraction or nearly led to an accident.

When it comes to risky behavior, respondents shared some of the most dangerous things they've done while driving to accommodate eating:

  • Eating hot food that could spill or burn: 48%
  • Driving with their knees: 32%
  • Balancing a meal on their lap: 13%
  • Eating with utensils while steering: 6%

Beyond the dangers, the study also shed light on the caloric impact of eating while driving. Respondents reported consuming an average of 420 calories during a single commute - a significant amount, especially for those with lengthy daily drives.

As for the reasons behind eating while driving, the responses were telling:

  • To save time: 53%
  • To avoid getting too hungry: 21%
  • It’s a habit: 14%
  • To cope with stress or boredom: 12%

Finally, when posed with a hypothetical scenario where their doctor advised them to stop eating while driving for the sake of their health, 43% of respondents stated they would ignore the advice, underscoring the deeply ingrained nature of these unhealthy habits.


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